Mar 25, 2022 | Company News
We are excited to announce that ACCI has been awarded the 8(a) STARS III contract through the GSA. 8(a) STARS III is a multiple-award indefinite-delivery/indefinite-quantity (MA-ID/IQ) contract designed to provide federal agencies with innovative technology (IT)...
Apr 6, 2018 | Company News
Advanced Communication Cabling, Inc. (ACCI) was approached by Jackson Magazine at the reference of a business colleague to hear about our journey overcoming adversity. ACCI, like many companies, have had to overcome hard times either with losing customer bases,...
Mar 27, 2018 | Company News
ACCI is also honored to yet again be awarded a contract providing staffing. Our newest award is a VTC staffing contract for all management, labor, equipment, tools, materials, transportation and incidentals necessary for maintenance services for VTC equipment listed...
Mar 27, 2018 | Company News
ACCI has been fortunate to become a Motorola Federal Reseller and take that certification to provide a wide variety of products and services to our customers, (e.g. handheld radios, E911 Emergency Systems, etc.). We have taken this ability and been awarded many...
Mar 27, 2018 | Company News
We are excited to announce that ACCI’s Joint Venture company, Definitive/Advanced Communications, LLC. has been awarded the 8(a) STARS II contract through the GSA. 8(a) STARS II is a multiple-award, indefinite-delivery/ indefinite quantity (IDIQ) contract engineered...
Nov 10, 2017 | Company News
Advanced Communication Cabling, Inc. (ACCI) is pleased to announce that we have expanded our services and is now not only located in Michigan but Kentucky as well! On October 1, 2014 with President and Owner Ruth Fritz present we opened our doors for business in Falls...